Carotenoids and β-carotene content of non-leafy green vegetables (NLGVs) of Bangladesh
Carotenoids, ?-Carotene, NLGVs.Abstract
Ten popularly consumed non-leafy vegetables (NLGVs) were studied for their total
carotenoids and (3-carotene contents. The samples were procured from farmer’s fields and the
major local wholesale markets where vegetables from different parts of the country are
brought for sale. Total carotenoids was estimated by spectrophotometric method and (3-
carotene was determined by HPLC system. The total carotenoids ranged from 49±9|ig% for
okra to 10460±1297)ig% for carrot. A strong seasonality was found in the content of
carotenoids. Matured ripe variety contains significantly higher amounts of carotenoids.
Tomato (2464±187|J,g%), sweet pumpkin (4853±I200jj,g%), carrot (10460±1297^ig%) stand
out to be the rich sources of carotenoids. (3-carotene was found to be ranged from 64±15|ig%
in potol to 3113±146^ig% in carrot. The share of (3-carotene to total carotenoids was in
between 24% and 97%, but in most of the vegetables the percent of (3-carotene was above
70%. Yellow and ripe vegetable varieties have higher (3-carotene compared to the rest of the
vegetables under analysis. Carotenoids and (3-carotene contents of NLGVs vary with the
variation of species, their varieties and seasons.