Vitamin c and mineral contents in selected leafy and non-leafy vegetables of Bangladesh
Seventeen green leai'y vegetables (GLVs ) and eighteen ncin-leatV vegetables (NLVs ) which
are popularly consumed were investigated for their vitamin C' and content o f copper, zinc,
iron, calcium and magnesium. . Vitamin C was estimated by spectrophotometric method and
mineral contents were determined by Atomic absorption llame spectrophotometric method.
Result showed that ascorbic acid in GLVs, content ranged from l,34±(),37mg% (Water cress)
to .^9,6011.32 (Red amaranth) and in NI .Vs it was between 5.68±()„Slmg'’'j (Ridge gourd) and
S().07±0.89mg''’( (Bitter gourd). Both the GLVs and NL.Vs arc found to be rich in minerals.
Of these vegetables. Peas, Turnip, Ridge gourd are found to be a potential source o f copper,
zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium. It is, therefore revealed that these vegetables could be a
very good source o f micronutrient supplement.