Effects of modified diet on suppression of disease activity of rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis. Modified Diet, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, n-9 monounsaturated fatty acid.Abstract
To investigate the elTicacy i)t’ a vegetarian diet (VD) enriehcd with n-3 polyunsaturated latt\
acids (PUl-’AS) &. n-9 monounsaturated I'atty acids (MUI 'AS) versus an omnivorous normal
diet (ND) lor suppression ol' disease activity in patients with acute and active rheumatoid
arthritis (RA).
I'ightv (80) patients with active and acute RA for at least six months duraticm with disease
activitv 2(S score (DAS 28 score) ol .^.2 or more were enrolled lor the study. [:ach ol' the
patients received MTX & non-steroidal anti-inllammatory drugs (NSAIDs ) . All ol'them were
randomly allocated either to VD or ND. To compare the nutritional influence ol' this modified
vegetarian diet. 20 healthy persons were also enrolled to the VD as control group.
Clinical examinations, labiuatory immunological, biochemical, hematological and
radiographic analysis were perl'ormed at baseline, and again in the P'. .I"'. & 6'’’ months. A
composite disease activity index (DAS 28). Ritchie's articular index score for RA. Physical
t'unction index ( l-’unctional index o f Lee), quality o f life reported by short form (Sl-’-36)
health surve\'. daily eonsumptiiin o f NSAIDs . visual analogue seale(O-lOcm) o f pain (pain
VAS) .l-SR(mm, r ‘ hour-Westergren) were used as clinical efficacy variables. Plasma levels
o f C'-reacti\e protein (CRP). IgCi & IgM rheumatoid factors. Interleukme-1 beta (IL-I(J) and
Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-'- a) were used as immunological efficacy variables. Total
plasma protein. Fibrinogen, cholesterol & triglyceride. ISela- Lipids, body mass index (BMl )
and hemoglobin concentration (Hb) were used as nutritional parameters.