Food consumption pattern of a sample of primary school teachers in Bangladesh
F o o d intake, fo o d pattern, diet, p r ima r y s chool teachers.Abstract
A cross-scctional studs was conducted amony, the urban and rural primary school teachers to
as ses s their lood intake pattern and health status. 'I'he sample included 150 primary school
teachers. A combination ol quantitative (24-h loctd record) and qualitative (food frequencies)
food intake methods was used simultaneously to collect data. 24-h dietarx recall shows
significantly higher intake o f protein and fat (P<0.( )1). and low cak)rie (P<0.(11). carbohydrate
and B-vitamins (P<().()5) by the urban teachers. I'emales in the urban area had lower calorie
intake compared to their male colleague s (P<0.()1). Reported frequencies i)f food
consumption shows better habitual intake pattern among the urbanites. Intakes o f eggs, meat,
fish. milk, milk products and fruits were found at higher frequencies in their meal (P<().()1).
I'hough salary scale did not vary between the groups but gross monthly incoine vis-a-vis
expenditure was reported significantly higher among the urban teachers (P<().()1). 7'his
inct)me difference was rellected by their habitual food intake pattern. Nutritional status as
expressed by BM! did not differ between the groups.