التصویر الفني لزھرۃ الدنیا وفتنھا : دراسۃ تربویۃ وبلاغیۃ
The article is divided into two sections. The first sectiondiscusses the educational aspects of the hadith which
include A) Description of the meaning and message of the
hadith, B) Delineation of teaching method of the prophet
(pbuh) in the hadith, C) Description of the beauty of the
prophetic education in the hadith. The second section
discusses the artistic beauty of the hadith. It includes the
miraculous power of the prophet (pbuh) for choosing the
right words, the capacity of the prophet (pbuh) to use right
words in right place, to distinguish the subtle difference in
the meaning of words, to make language attractive for
describing, innumerable meaning and to express much
meaning in terse language. The beauty and sweetness of
language the loftinees of thinking and the appropriate use
of rhetoric have been pointed out and the miraculous power
of right illustration has been focused. The use of the
elements of illustration like simile metaphor, symbolism,
allusion bears the witness of the miraculous talent of the
prophet (pbuh).