التعبیر الشفھي في تعلم اللغۃ العربیة : مشکلاته وعلاجھا
The article attempts to investigate the role of teaching OralExpression of Arabic Language in enhancing its learners’
communicative proficiency. This issue is used to raise
problems in teaching or learning Arabic oral expression as a
foreign language. It is hypothesized in this research that
through Oral Expression of the learners of Arabic Language
will enhance their communicative proficiency. The main
objective of this work then is to investigate and explain the role
of Oral Expression for developing the learners’ speaking ability
and improving their poor communicative proficiency. Here we
also explain the problems of language learning and the
mechanics of developing communicative proficiency through
the role of the components of teaching Oral Expression. The
expected results of the study will show some ways so that the
students will be able to speak and communicate fluently and
appropriately using the target language.