الدکتور محمد شھید اللہ : حیاته وآثارہ
Language learning is a noble work. A good number of peoplebecame famous through learning several languages. Dr.
Mohammad Shahidullah was one of them. He was a person who
loved the knowledge related to languages and cultures. The
religion did not bar him from learning several languages, religions
and cultures. We know that except Bengali, he had knowledge
about 20 languages such as English, Arabic, Persian, French,
German, Chinese, Pali, Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, etc. Before
completing his education he worked in a school in Jessore for one
year. After passing his M.A. and B.L. he joined as the headmaster
in an English High school in Shitakunda, Chittagong. Then he
worked as an advocate in the Bashirhat Court in India. Before
joining the University of Dhaka, he also worked at the University
of Kolkata. He was so much eager to learn and earn more
knowledge in several cultures and languages. He has got the
opportunity to achieve his goal. So he was selected by the authority
of the University of Dhaka to go to Europe for higher study there.
Dr. Mohammad Shahidullah is not such a person who could be
captured in an article or two; but he was a deep sea of knowledge
having no shore. It is to hope that this humble article on “Dr.
Mohammad Shaidullah: His life and works” can be an indication
and an inspiration for every one, specially for the students who
have keen eagerness to learn more and earn knowledge in several
languages more and more to develop their learning capacity,
educational quality, writing ability and personal morality in their
life. We are presenting this article to the literate society wishing
Allah’s help for our success in our every good activity.