الذات الناقدۃ والرؤیة التکوینیة في مسرح سعداللہ ونّوس : عرض وآراء
This study entitled “Self-Criticism and Formative Vision inSaadullah Wannus’s (1941-1997) Theater” aims to investigate the
viewpoints of the Syrian critic and playwriter Saadullah Wanous
through the evaluation of his theatrical achievement. The
historical, social and psychological components play a significant
role to obtain a balanced relationship between innovative work of
art and self-criticism. His Critical observations differ from the
cognitive study of the fields as it is shown in this paper. His critical
analysis varies according to the diversified methods of his writing.
The study is done following descriptive approach that
demonstrates the observations on the theater of Saadullah Wannus
depending on his critical approaches. The study is divided into four
dimensions such as, psychological vision that is regarded as the
foundations of mind of the critic and his instinctive motive; the
cultural aspect which is considered the prerequisite importance in
critical achievements and finally the last but not the least is the
philosophical vision that highlights the intellectual structures of the