نشأة المعاجم في شبه القارة الهندية وتطورها : دراسة تحليلية
Human being is the best creature of Allah (swt) who has given the power
of expression, intelligent speech and capacity to understand clearly the
relation of things and to explain them. So, the language is referred to be
the first medium of communication. Among more than five thousand
languages in the world, Arabic is the inherent language of mankind. The
necessity of learning Arabic language is a must for Muslim community.
Because they have got to recite from the holy Qur’an in every prayer and
the Hadith as well as other religious books are written in Arabic language.
On the other hand, statistics shows that in secular level more than 250
million people use Arabic as first language and another 200 million people
use it as second language. It is used as official language in more than 20
countries. It stands sixth in ranking in the world’s language table and
occupies the fourth position in six official languages of United Nations. In
every aspects Arabic language is the only one unchanged and alive
language from the very beginning of humankind till today.
Nowadays there are approximately 500 million Muslim people living in
this sub-continent. As a result, some prominent scholars have written a
number of Arabic dictionaries and some of them have translated a number
of Arabic to Arabic dictionaries into their own language, e.g. in Bengali,
Urdu etc.
In this article, those dictionaries have been analyzed which were written in
Arabic language. Top of the list are: “Al-Lubab” compiled by Al Saghmi
Al Hinda, “Al-Qamoos-Ul-Muhit” compiled by Muhammad bin Yaqoob
Al-Feroz Abadi and “Taj-ul-Uroos” compiled by Mustafa Al Zabidi.
These glorious publications had been appreciated in Arab and abroad.