الشاعرات الأندلسيات المختارات ومميزات أشعارهن: دراسة وتطبيق


  • الدكتور محمد نصير الدين


Al-Sha`irat al-Andalusiyyah al-Mukhtarah Wa Mumayyejatu
Ash`arihinna: Dirasah Wa Tatbiq.
When the part of Europe, which is now known as Spain, was captured by
Arabs, it was named Andalus. Naturally Andalus was a charming,
captivating and attractive land. Its land was fertile. It was a dream land of
canals and rivers, trees, gardens and birds which are the sources of context
for poets, writers and thinkers.
The conquerors, the Arabs, are a poetry loving nation. Here they could not
forget poems. In addition, her nature attracted them for the purpose.
Poets both man and women, were very active and spontaneous in this
land. Many female poets composed poems. Poems written by them were
full of characteristics. We have, therefore, made an effort to write an
article on the poetic works and their characteristics of ten female poets.
Keywords: Andalus, Poetic trends of female poets.



