الاتجاه الإسلامي في الشعر السعودي الحديث


  • الدكتور محمد رفيق الاسلام


poetry, Islamic trend, poetry of Saudi Arabia.


The Islamic trend in modern Saudi poetry” is a new
dimension of Arabic poetry in Saudi Arabia. Although, this
style has been seen in previous era like `Jahili, Umawi,
Abbasi and Age of decay, that poetry was not related to the
Islamic theme. At that time, they composed their poems
which are related to their leader, and his contribution to their
community as well as his bravery, charity and his
forgiveness. Sometimes they composed very special poems
which are related to his devotee but they didn’t write
anything which is associated with Allah and his prophet’s
pubh. Anyway, the modern poets of Saudi Arabia come
forward to write poems whose contents are related to Islam
and its prophet. So, in this article we will discuss the Islamic
subject matter in the poetry, which is written by modern
Saudi writers. And lastly, we will give you an idea of how to
change these thoughts by the alteration of the era.



