نماذج من الانتقال الدلالي في معجم الأصول الفصيحة للألفاظ الدارجةلمحمد بن ناصر العبودي
This research deals with the manifestation of the semantic
transition which is considered one of the most famous
manifestations of semantic change. It explains something from
the attention of the ancient and modern scholars to this
manifestation. Then, the research traces this manifestation in
the colloquial terms with the eloquent origins found in the
glossary of Al- Aboody1. As a result, it records the transition of
semanteme from a meaning used in the eloquent origin of the
term to another meaning that is converted to it after the general
use of the same word contained in the ancient Arab glossaries.
Thus, it shows the extent of change in the meaning of the word
because of the transition.