تداعيات القلق وفضاءات التشكيلقـراءة في قصيدة "لا بد يَأرَقُ" للممزِّق العبديّ
Anxiety is the main element in determining the course of
human life and behavior, as psychologists point out, and the
literary text has meanings and indications that reflect the poet's
psychological state. It appears in the poem “La-budda Yariqu”
of al-Mumajjaq al abdi; where the poets were dominated by a
state of psychological disorder that reflects at the formative
level. This confirms the poet's awareness of the present reality.
He has been making difference in the level of the psychological
state in his poem “La-budda Yariqu” from one place to
another; he increases in one place and decreases in another.
Because the literary impact is a work that depicts the
psychological state of the poet or writer, aiming at releasing
imprisoned psychological consignments. By providing a
psychological reading of the poem, we are able to learn about
the aesthetic paintings in it. In this paper we will try to find out
the innovative models of his poem, which is able to arouse
anxiety in creating a fictional psychological state that made
him outperform his tribe.