أدب الأطفال عند الشيخ أبو الحسن الندوي:خصائصه ومنهجه


  • الدكتور محمد شهيد الإسلام


Children's literature is a modern genre of literature. It includes
different styles of prose and poetry in the form of book,
magazine, film, audio tape and games. The development of this
kind of literature in the Arabs began through translation. Rifa’a
al-Tahtawi (1801-1873 CE) was the first who translated a book
into Arabic from English for Arab children. Sayed Abul Hasan
Ali Al-Hasani Al-Nadwi (1914-1999 CE), one of the most
prominent writers, Islamic thinkers and talented reformers in
the second half of the twentieth century, has contribution to the
establishment of an Islamic Literature Association. He made a
remarkable attempt to promote Arabic literature for children
with a view to educating them morally and consolidating the
rules of Islam in their minds and implanting the roots of faith in
their hearts. He expressed his mind in accessible manner that
suits with the nature of children of their ages.





