السيرة الذاتية وأشكالها المتنوعة : نشأتها وتطورها في الأدب العربي


  • الدكتور محمد ميزان الرحمن


Autobiography, Arabic literature, Biography, Differences between autobiography and biography, history of autobiographical works.


Autobiography is an important genre of literature. It is any author’s
life-sketch given by himself. While writing autobiography, a writer
puts down any news and event/s related to his life. This art
includes his birth, his childhood, and his activities and behaviors
with his parents, his family as well as all the people around him. It
also discusses the contemporary social, political and cultural
context in which he lives and is involved. Hence, the
autobiography is very important to know the life of some
prominent people, their personalities and the events with which he
is in/directly related. Given this information, this research has
selected the subject/topic that is based on the evolution and
development of autobiography in the Arabic literature. This
research tries to discover the concept of autobiography with a
description of its distinctive features and the differences between it
and biography. To exemplify these, this research also discusses
some of the autobiographical works and their authors. Thus, it will
help the writers, teachers, readers and researchers get the correct
history of autobiographical works in Arabic Literature.





