المدح والھجاء في شعر الفرزدق


  • محمد بلال حسین


Al Farazdaq was one of the greatest poets of the Umayyad
period. His poetic talent started manifesting itself in childhood.
He wrote mainly poems of praise and censure, glorification,
description, morning and love. He achieved distinction in
writing eulogies and satire. He wrote many a poem in praise of
Umayyahs caliphs. He was sympathetic towards Hazrat Ali (c)
and his family descendants. Farazdaq was more interested in
praising himself and his ancestors than in praising others. His
poetry is full of a deep style of expression on appropriate,
difficult and arcane worlds. Farazdaq also excelled in writing
satires and lampoons. His contemporary Jarir could not defeat
him even after trying very hard. Farazdaq even stooped to the
level of using obscure worlds and abuse to denigrate his
opponents. Farazdaq was highly regarded by Arabic linguists
and grammarians. They used to say that if not for the poetry of
Farazdaq, one third of Arabic language would have been lost.



