البُنْیة الإیقاعیَّة في شعر فدوى طوقان ونازك الملائكة: دراسة مقارنة


  • الدكتور محمد شجاعت لله فاروقي


Fadwa Touqan (1917 – 12 December 2003) was a renowned
Palestinian female poet, who won prizes in modern Arabic
poetry. She also was a famous author of modern Arabic prose.
Nazik Al-Malaika (23 August 1923 – 20 June 2007) was an
Iraqi female poet. She is the first Arabic poet to have used free
verse successfully. This comparative study aims at explaining
some questions that could be raised about the rhythmic structure
used by these two famous poets. It sheds light on the rhythmic
components of their poems clarifying the new techniques used by
them in forming the rhythmic structure of the poems such as
acoustic rhythm, repetitive rhythm, parallelism and alliteration.
The study also touches upon the rhythmic tools and limits that
they implemented to produce coherent and unique poetical



