موضوعات الشعر العربي في العصر الأیوبي: دراسة تطبیقیة


  • الدكتور محمد نصیر الدین


Objectives and constraints of Arabic Poems during the Ayubi
Era: A Pragmatic Analysis
The Arabic Literature develops through its poetic genre. At the
end of the Abbaside era, Salauddin Aiyubi captured the throne of
Egypt in 1168 Ad by defeating Shyite Fatimi rulers and
introduced an independent Aiyubi reign in the name of the
Abbaside Calips sthere. During the reign of Aiyubi sultans,
literature was the main aspect for the development of knowledge
and science. In line with this, there flourished various trends of
poetic pursuit which had a great impact on the literary and
cultural life. It is evident in the poems of the period in the time of
crusade and afterwards. Praise, condemnation, love or accusation
had found expression in poems. We will make an efforts to deal
with some of these in this article.
Those who contributed much in this respect are Ibn Sa’ti
(d.1221), Al-atharabi (d.1159), Ibn alta’abiji (d.1188), Ibn
Mamati (d.1209), Ibn al-Kaisarani (d.1153), Ibn al-Wardi
(d.1349), Ibn al-Farid (d.1234) and ‘Imaduddin Al-Asbahani



