أمیر المؤمنین في النحو "الفرّاء": تقدیر عبقریّتھ
Abu ZakriaYahya Ibn Ziad Al- Farra (144H./761AD.-
207H./822AD.) was pioneer of Arabic Syntax in the then Kofa.
He was a well-versed personality in different wings of
knowledge especially, in Arabic syntax, linguistics, Medical
Science, Arabic poetry and history of the Arabs. The peoples of
Bagdad and Kofa were very much proud of the two
distinguished great pundits: Al-Farra and Al-Kisayee
(119/737AD-189/804AD.). He played a vital role for the
establishment and the development of school of kofa. He
coined some important grammatical terms in Arabic syntax.
Later, the grammarian of Kofa developed them to a large
extent. His method of teaching of grammar was both effective
and interesting. He cited the verses of the holy Quran, texts of
Hadith, classical Arabic poems, Arabian sayings, and Qias as
references to clarify various grammatical issues. The Arabic
syntax got flourished in his hands. He wrote several books on
Arabic syntax. For his valuable contribution to the
development of Arabic syntax he was popularly known as"
AmirulMumineen Fi Al -nahwi" (Emperor of the believers in
Arabic syntax). The Article aims to throw a flood of light on
his precious contribution to Arabic Syntax.