Can Charge card be a Prospective Replacement of Conventional and Islamic Credit card in Bangladesh?


  • Tanzina Hossain
  • Zinnatun Nesa


Charge card, Conventional Credit card, Islamic Credit card, Bangladesh plastic money industry, Market Potentiality.


Bangladesh is in the upsurge mood in its plastic money industry especially
in the Credit card industry. Though the number of Credit card holders are
increasing day by day, a large group of customers till remained untapped due to
their religious belief, reluctance towards the high interest rate, complex payment
system or/and for some features of prevalent cards. This study brings in charge card
as a preferable alternative of existing plastic credit moneys for that customer base
who also normally pays their outstanding balance in full when due and are looking
for a convenient and easy payment instrument in managing their daily payments, by
viewing charge card’s potentiality in Bangladesh market



