Strategic Positioning and the Sources of Competitive Advantage: An Experience from Bangladesh Telecommunication Industry
Strategic Positioning, Competitive Advantage, Competitive Profile Matrix, Space matrix, generic strategies.Abstract
Strategic Positioning of a company is a widely accepted parameter for
underpinning the sources of competitive advantage and taking future strategic
decisions. In this paper strategic positioning of the telecommunication industry of
Bangladesh has been unveiled by competitive profile matrix and space matrix. It was
found that Grameenphone ruled the total industry by means of aggressive market
strategies, followed by Banglalink, taking competitive strategies and then Robi,
which follows defensive strategy. To explore the sources of competitive advantage,
Chi-square distribution was used. The whole gamut of techniques and procedures
concluded that Grameenphone is the market leader in the yard stick of strategic
positioning and competitive advantage in the telecommunication industry and the
industry as a whole is matured. However, telecommunication sector of Bangladesh
still is a very promising sector, because there are huge potentials in the industry in
terms of introduction of new technologies and addressing underserved needs of the