Employee Performance Appraisal System: A Study on Square Pharmaceuticals Limited


  • Sabnam Jahan


Performance appraisal, human resource management, SPL.


Performance appraisal system is one the most vital functions of human resource
management (HRM). Modern organizations can survive in the competitive environment of
today, only if they can make the best use of their human capital as their most important asset.
Performance appraisal is considered as one of the important tasks of a HR manager due to
its implications for the identification of employee capacity as well as taking appropriate
reward decision. This paper aims at identifying the acceptance level of performance
appraisals practices used in Square Pharmaceuticals Limited (SPL) among the employees. A
well-structured questionnaire was used to collect the primary data. Basic statistical tools
were used to analyze the data. The study has found that the majority of the employees are
satisfied with the organization’s existing performance appraisal practices. But they
demanded for a more systematic and informative performance appraisal system.



