Revisiting theRelationship between Human Rights and Bioethics: Supportive or Counteractive?


  • Md. Jobair Alam Jobair Alam


Human Rights, Bioethics, Nuremburg Code, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.


Modern bioethics is unequivocally founded on the pedestal of the values consecrated in
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration on Bioethics
and Human rights, on the other hand, practicallypays heed on the need to harmonize
bioethics and human rights in reorienting bioethical discourse towards a broader basis
and symbolically, reminds that the mere rhetoric of rights is insufficient to protect
those who are most vulnerable in the world. Hence, at a point human rights and
bioethics acts and counteracts in reaching their respective goals.The object of the study
is to critically analyze the relationship between human rights and bioethics. A
pluralistic methodology is followed in this regard. In order to achieve the objective the
study after certain conceptual clarity, asked one question- to what extent human rights
and bioethics assist, counteract and overlap each other in reaching their respective
and shared goals? The study concludes that although at a certain point, human rights
and bioethics merge, still there are good differences between them and a significant
substratum must be carried out, to clarify exactly how the respective claims and
conflicts of both of them can be mitigated, before they can reinstate their expedition in
the similar way.



