Regeneration of inorganic nutrient in sediment water interface by Pseudomonas perfectomarina


  • Md. Abdul Karim
  • Kimio Fukami


Pseudomonas perfectomarina, Sediment water interface, Regeneration


Pseudomonas perfectomarina was isolated from a eutrophic bottom
environment and introduced to stimulate heterotrophic and decomposing
activities. The bacterial cells re-suspension was added to the experimental system
after absorbing with porous substrates. The strain enhanced net regeneration of
dissolved inorganic nitrogen and inorganic phosphorus from the sediment by
two to fivefolds at different temperatures. The bacteria P. perfectomarina enhance
net regeneration of 83.20, 148.08, 127.58 and 193.31 μM dissolved inorganic
nitrogen and 14.12, 13.24, 14.43 and 23.21 μM dissolved inorganic phosphorous
from the sediment at 20, 23, 24 and 26ºC, respectively. Results suggested that the
application of P. perfectomarina with substrates would be promising for
improvement of eutrophic sediment water interface during summer.



