
Which journals on this site would you like to register with?
  • Arts Faculty Journal
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  • Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology
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  • Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science
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  • Bangladesh Journal of Nutrition
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  • Bangladesh Psychological Studies
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  • The Dhaka University Arabic Journal
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  • Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science & Engineering
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  • Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences
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  • Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies
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  • Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
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  • Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics
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  • Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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  • The Dhaka University Journal of Science
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  • Dhaka University Journal of Urdu
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  • Dhaka University Law Journal
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  • Journal of Business Administration
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  • Journal of Sociology
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  • Journal of Statistical Research
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  • Perspectives in Social Science
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  • Spectrum
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