Factors associated with nutritional status and morbidity in Bangladeshi breastfed children
Exclusive Breastfeeding, Child Nutrition, Bangladesh.Abstract
This study assessed the exclusive breastfeeding practice and also examined the
Influence of socioeconomic and demographic characteristics influence on child
nutrition and morbidity In Bangladesh. Data from a National Survey entitled
"Surveillance on Breastfeeding and Weaning Situation and Child and Maternal Health
In Bangladesh " conducted by the Institute of Child and Mother Health were used.
Information was collected on 2781 children between 0-2 years of age from their
mothers. The results of the study showed that only 16% of women exclusively
breastfeed their babies for 6 months. Among the children 38.1 % were stunted and
38% were underweight for their age, while 46% were affected by some diseases. In
bivariate analysis of factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding, a significant
association was found with maternal education (p<.001) and family income (p<.01).
Exclusively breastfed children were less stunted than non-excluslve breastfed
children (p<.001). Lxjgistic regression analysis showed that children of illiterate
women were more stunted than children of higher educated women (OR=1.69, 95%
01=1.33-2.15). Male children were more likely to be stunted than female children
(OR=1.12, 95% 01=1.02-1.43). Non-exclusive breastfed children had 1.6 times higher
risk of morbidity and 3.57 times higher risk of occurrence of diarrhoea (p<.001). In
conclusion, exclusive breastfeeding improved linear growth and reduced morbidity of
below 2 years children. Despite all efforts of different government agencies and NGOs,
this study showed that exclusive breastfeeding rate was still low in Bangladesh. More
steps therefore, are needed to encourage exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months of age
in order to Improve the physical growth of children in Bangladesh.